Project Kuchengetedza
Making a difference in Zimbabwe
The PKZ Mission
Increase access to water ~~boreholes and distributions of HippoRollersTM.
Expand access to medical resources.
Facilitate child sponsorship.
Administer food security programs.
Distribute washable, reusable sanitary pads to secondary school girls.
Support education through building classrooms and distribution of school supplies.
Provide food, clothing, and medical supplies for the destitute.
Coordinate educational forums on environmental issues.
Partner with local tribal authorities, town and district councils, schools, development committees, churches, businesses and local community organizations
Friends of PKZ is the USA based partner of Project Kuchengetedza Zviwanikwa. Friends of PKZ is a registered
501 (c) 3, dedicated to promoting, assisting, supporting and advancing the work of our sister organization.